The Honey Comb “Want Ads” 1971 Gold RIAA 45 White Matte Record Award

“Want Ads” was a #1 single for The Honey Comb, released in March, 1971 and certified gold on May 14, 1971.

You’re looking at a first presentation (correct format for date of certification), authentic (made by an RIAA approved award manufacturer), and original (unopened-all original parts) award.

Jerry Sharell’s illustrious career in music has included disc jockey, promoter, label executive and music producer. Who an award is presented to has an effect on value. Artist presentations tend to be the most valuable.

Wire hanging and paper backing are original, with pads added at the bottom to facilitate display. The small New York Frame and Picture sticker was used on 45 awards.  Original backing paper indicates the award has not been restored or repaired. Though many awards need restoration or repair after the decades, if you had your choice of original or restored, original would have more value.

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